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Old December 29th 05, 10:57 AM posted to
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Default stevie the ###hole prooves (PROVES) deserves (DESERVES) his treatment as if it wee (WE) needed (Pass out on the keyboard again, Markie? Forget what you were writing?)

(a deceased was forged by liar and thief Mark Morgan:

KC8GXW wrote:
George Orwell wrote:

If anyone ever harbored the illusion that Robeson had any
honor, they should know that Todd has been kicked off his
ISP because of lies that Robeson emailed to them.

Just remember, low-life Robeson: What goes around comes around.

What a piece of work you are.

And you know this because? Toad bragged that his ISP told him to not
come on the news groups but he refused to respect the ISP's authority.
If Steve snitched toad out, then that is wrong, but you just saying it
doesn't make it true!

I didn't "snitch toad out" for his newsgroup activities other than
his threats and profanities which I received via e-mail. Not all of
the stupid letters I received were via his blog. The headers tell the
tale and THAT'S what got him into trouble.

As for the suggestion that Todd was not responsible for the
threatening letters, I look at it this way...Even if he didn't send
some of them, he encouraged and incited others via his blog to act

I asked him repeatedly to stop using my name and callsign on his
blog, and he just repsonded with more threats and profanities.

Also, I am obviously NOT the only person who's been busting
chops with his ISP.

He played with fire...He got burnt...Oh well...


Steve, K4YZ

So far, Markie, You haven't "proven" anything other than you think
it's wrong to expect people to live by the rules they voluntarily
subscribe to.

everyone should be advised that The following person
has been advocating the abuse of elders making false charges of child rape, rape in general forges post and name

he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable

151 12TH AVE NW

BTW with the exalant response steve you can look forward to seeing this email addy on RRAP a while

Mark Morgan

Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server
More than 140,000 groups
Unlimited download to open account

Thank-you, Markie...One more log on the fire.

Steve, K4YZ