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Old December 29th 05, 03:22 PM posted to
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Default stevei can stopp the behavoir he says he find offensive anytime by just proising to stop engaging in what provoked it in the first place

in an effort to e the better that I am I offer stevie something een
more generous than I have in the past

I have said he must apologize

I offer (for now something more generous

He merely needs to promise to stop doing thing and promised not to do
so in the future

he needs to pormise to stop making any refferences to sex sexuality a
person relion or health stauts physcial or mental, and he needs to stop
making threats or advocating violenece anagist the persons or property
of others all otther in the NG

I make this offer in the Sprit of my ansesotrs and relitives this
season of Hannacka (how ever this season spelled in english)

If he does this I promise to refrain from psting under his daughter
name and to stop the flooding attack that does interfere with operation