K4YZ wrote:
why ideed she might ask were she arround and able ask why her father
lies about people
First of all, I haven't lied.
first of all you have lied
the easiest to prove is your claim that you know i have been
intoxicated when you say i have been
other lies that I am pedo or that I can pass on an STD since I don't
have any
Secondly, if you'd paid attention or rad her site you'd kow she
was never able to speak a word.
rad her site oh spelling cop
But did cover that "why ideed she might ask were she arround and able
ask why her father lies about people" note the presence of the arround
she wouldnot liekly get any more answer than the rest fo us on RRAP
You say "us" like someone other than you or a Fellow Feeble Fiver
is interested in your opinion, Markie.
obvioulsy you think so as well
Steve, K4YZ