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Old December 29th 05, 07:59 PM posted to
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Default stevei lies some more

On 29 Dec 2005 08:37:21 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
in an effort to e the better that I am I offer stevie something een
more generous than I have in the past

I have said I apologize

more stevie forgery. pathetic.

What's pathetic is your failure to follow the header trail and
figure out if it was really me or not.

how is that pathetic

You stated that the other post was a "stevie forgery".

in point of fact I did goo look at it It is someone forgering a claim
that I was claiming it is your forgery

You're calling something that wasn't mine "mine" was the pathetic

that was your act stevei boy

it is obviously a likely outcome that you are the forger or in any case
by your words your responible for the forgery by inspiring it by your
own words

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh...yyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh ...riiiiiiiiiiiight.


Embarrassed yourself again, Markie.

not at all

(laughing at Markie wiping egg off face....)

more lies from the liar of RRAP

you tried to decieve the NG again this time into making them overlook
my generous offer,

The only "generous offer" you've made, Markie, was saving me a
step by giving me your "lawyer's" address. You'll still get a copy per
court officer.

when old liar

you claimed to have filed on the 27th Iam should have beenseeved by

which stand depite your latest ill deeds

You're the only one with "ill deeds" here, Markie.

big lie on your part

The perponderence of new subject lines with profanities and
references to my deceased daughter is evidence of that.

not realy but you realy don't understand the word

I am a better man than you....(SNIP)

On Mars or the Moon, perhaps.

worng again

not that being a better man than is much to boast about

I am sure that you find being better at anything nothing to boast
about...It night screw up your "disability" checks.

no disablity check here never were

but and rest of that was a scrwed up

you have merely to agree to stop your missdeed as outlined and I will
geting after you about them

More random words seeking organization and purpose, Markie. Try E
N G L I S H.

simple as that

Yep. As simple as that.

Steve, K4YZ

everyone should be advised that The following person
has been advocating the abuse of elders making false charges of child rape, rape in general forges post and name

he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable

151 12TH AVE NW

BTW with the exalant response steve you can look forward to seeing this email addy on RRAP a while
and all done by steve express permission
Mark Morgan

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