AH4 tuner in the middle of an offset fed dipole
On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 15:31:59 +1100, "Allan Jeal"
Is it possible to get some fairly brief opinions without causing a war or
even arguments ....
Is it likely to damage an Icom AH4 auto antenna tuner if the "antenna"
terminal is attached to one leg of a V (resonant at 14Mhz) and the earth
terminal is connected to the other leg of the V (resonant at 7Mhz) without
any additional grounding. Is there any reason to swap the legs around.
Assume 100 watts max. It would be helpful if any opinions came from those
who are familiar with the internals of the AH4. It would also be helpful if
any repondents understood that others could have a differing opinion. de
VK2DQC, Allan. tnx
If you do a Google search for the AH-4 -- there used to be someone
with a page that showed it hooked up to a dipole, using the ground lug
for one of the dipole elements.