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Old December 30th 05, 10:24 AM posted to
moparholic at hotmail dot com is a sissy
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Default Mopey PoopyHolic

Steveo wrote:
Mopey PoopyHolic ha ha ha

Typical drivel from the aol-tard Fred Garvin This
is what happens when your parents are siblings, eh' freddy?

My name is not Freddy,

That's just one of the nyms you post under, along with

along with Tom Randy and Bergans Sister (freddy likes to dress like a
little girl) . AOL is for morons so I'm not surprised you failed to cover
your tracks.

Your birthday is 5/4/1958 and you got your ham ticket in 1994, yet you hang
out here humping my leg.

What's your call, freddy?

but we know who you are and what
you do at the Petro toilet, MopeyDopey.......

Your hero dogie gave you his truck stop fetish.

It is you, mopeyfag, hubby of the K9 gal, who has the fetish. We just
report on it.