On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 01:50:06 +0000, Bob Nielsen wrote:
On Sat, 13 Dec 2003 16:08:42 -0600, David Kelly wrote:
TAPR will sell a version 1.1.9 EPROM and manual to you for $15 + $6
shipping. http://www.tapr.org/
That was the PK-87. The PK-88 is not compatible with TNC-2 firmware.
Timewave may be able to furnish a manual.
That was my impression, Even though the '88 used the Z80, it uses a
different Serial/IO chip which is incompatible with the TNC2 firmware.
Timewave doesn't show a manual available on their webpage, but does say to
contact them for anything not listed, so they may offer a copy.
http://hamradiomanuals.com does list a copy of the PK-88 manual for $18.
I found this after a better Google search.
Thanks for the tips.
73, de Nate
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