Another License Idea
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January 3rd 06, 02:15 AM posted to
[email protected]
Posts: n/a
more steve forgeres you enoy your handiwork steve?
On Mon, 02 Jan 2006 19:07:49 -0500,
an Old friend wrote:
K=D8HB wrote:
Deciding that the power level of 50 W is acceptable for Class B,
but 100 W is not, is just a matter of judgement. It's the same
kind of judgement as saying that 3500-3525 kHz is not allowed for
all license classes.
Not the same at all, Jim.
How is it any different? They're both a matter of judgement, not
some absolute scientific or engineering fact or limit.
There is a clear safety advantage to lower power for less
especially if you don't have a strenuous examination of safety
But setting the line at 50 W output is purely a matter of judgement.
Is a
50 W transmitter somehow "safe" at the proposed testing level, but
not a 100 W transmitter?
Consider that if the 50 W license were created, a considerable
number of new Class B hams would probably use 100-150 W rigs
and simply not run them at full power.
indeed the exactl elevel of course arbitary
As if you'd know, Markie. You can't even afford third hand equipment
from the bargin bin.
Ineed to by some heat taeps for my mobil home so tat teh dam tiolet will
stop frezzing up evrtime it gets cold outide.
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