United Radio Broadcasters of New Orleans QSL cards now available
Actually, the source of your confusion are your own erroneous
The end of URBONO broadcasts was widely publicized in the DX press -
both hardcopy and electronic. Nowhere in the original message did it
say that the special QSLs were for current broadcasts from any of the
stations which participated in that broadcasting effort. Also, URBONO
is referred to more than once in the original post in the past tense.
Given these facts, it's all pretty much a "no-brainer".
KH2AR is providing a much appreciated service to DXers by acting as the
QSL bureau for URBONO, and has spent lots of time and money (his own)
in arranging this.
Your response to him was rude and totally unnecessary.
dxAce wrote:
KH2AR wrote:
Please let me clarify - the special QSL cards will only be issued for
the period during which United Radio Broadcasters of New Orleans was
actually in existence and in operation. This period runs from Sept. 2
through Nov. 4, 2005. The cards are not intended for current
receptions. My apologies for any confusion.
Well thanks! It would appear that the confusion is/was all on your part.