I don’t know about the 2-200MHz meter but the 25-1000MHz version is not
in the same league as a Bird 43. I have owned 3 of the 25-1000MHz
versions and two of them had an intermittent OFF-FWD-REV switch. From
about 100MHz up the meter is direct reading but below 100MHz you have to
use a % chart to figure out the exact power, which is very cumbersome. A
Bird has a well made silver plated 50ohm line section and the Telewave
has an unplated aluminum line section. The Telewave connectors are much
lower quality than Bird. The Telewave also has the lower portion of the
meter designated off limits because the accuracy is way out of spec
unless you use the upper areas of the meter scale. Used Telewave meters
usually go in the $200 to $350 range.
Professor wrote:
Anyone care to comment about this meter?