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Old January 3rd 06, 06:03 PM posted to
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Default ??Simple Reception Improvements??

Hello again all.
By now, you should be getting tired of my endless beginners questions.
Well, here's another, so get over it! : )
If you recall, I have an Icom R-75 with all the Kiwa Mods, hooked up to an
Antenna Supermarket Eavesdropper
which runs into a Zap Trapper, then into the radio.
Both the radio and antenna are grounded to a cold water pipe in my basement.
I am generally pleased with SW reception, but, as this is my first SW radio,
I'm sure it could be better.
Does anybody have any simple improvements that I can try to improve
I'm kinda limited in my antenna placement as I only have one tree large
enough in my yard to anchor an end of it to.
The other end is anchored to my house. Both ends are anchored with rope,
and then an insulator connected to the antenna.
I'm sure I could pop for a expensive antenna like the Wellbrook, but I don't
wanna spend that much $ now.
Whatever suggestions you have, please keep them simple as I'm not an
electrical engineer.
My listening interests are mainly International broadcast and some utility