Recommendation for 915MHz omni antenna
Richard Harrison wrote:
Dave wrote:
"What would your recommendation be?"
I would use a vertical collinear omni antenna for the repeater and
vertically polarized Yagis for each of the "sheds". To avoid stimulation
of argument, I`ll say no more. You mainly need a line-of-sight path at
915 MHz between all remote sites and the repeater.
Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI
Motorola 900 Mhz Canopys are advertised as "non line of site", so you
may get more mileage than you'd expect when running at this relatively
low frequency. If you are looking at paths that can be well defined,
try a program called "Radio Mobile" for a very good simulation of the
situation. It is freeware, and the databases it uses are also free
(courtesy of the US taxpayer and some hardworking US Shuttle astronauts
and groundcrew).