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Old January 4th 06, 08:34 PM posted to
Alex Clayton
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Default Help with RS Pro-97 and trunking

"daviddd" wrote in message
It's amazing how so many (countless) buyers of Radio Shack scanners
complain about "bad" experiences at Radio Shack ie...."they only want
to sell cell phones in order to get that all important % of the
sale"....."Radio Shack employees do not know anything about their
scanners"...."why don't Radio Shack employees program my scanner or why
don't Radio shack employees show me how to program my scanner" and on,
and on, and on............
Yet these people still walk out of the store with that Brand New
Scanner they purchased KNOWING that they will have to program their
scanners when they get their new scanner home.
When you but a car, does the car sales people teach you how to drive
that car you purchased?
When you go to the library, does the librarian ask you if you can read?
The answers to these questions is Almost Always no, yet that does not
stop people from completing these tasks. There is so much "How To"
information on the WWW. that a search will not help you get started
with the info needed to program your scanner. Not to mention the 10's
of scanner groups (pro-97 yahoo group, pro-96 yahoo group, group) where you can first search the archives, and
then ask questions if need be. Then there are the scanner programs
(Win96, Win97, scan cat etc..).
I think that new 1st time scanner owners get their scanner home, remove
it from it's box, and expect to "Fire" the scanner up and to
immediately hear the areas they want to scan. I know that few to
almost none of the first time owners read the manual, with their
scanner next to them, page by page to try to learn about their new
scanner, and when they hit a subject they can't quite understand, they
keep on reading (if that) instead of trying to understand with
resources at hand, before going forward in the manual. And then there
are the pages on the WWW with step by step reworking of the manual,
easy for the first time owner to program their scanner.....but then
they may not totally understand what/why they are doing these certain
Instead of bitching and moaning about Radio Shack, use that energy and
the resources givin' to you towards making your purchase of your Radio
Shack scanner a Great, Worthwhile experience!! There must be a REASON
WHY you purchased that Radio Shack scanner, even after reading all this
"RAT SHACK " Crap.
Take the time to learn about your Great new Scanner and enjoy it
instead of placing blame.
Happy & Healthy New Year to You & Yours !!!;
just my $0.02 cents

I AM NOT a RS basher, BUT, I gave up on them for my scanner. Years ago when
I got into this I was given an old well used Pro79. Worked great. Then when
I heard the City was going to move to a Trunked 800 system I bought a Pro95.
When the city started up the new system I with some help from the net
learned how to set up the 95. I still used the 79 for about a year as they
were simulating on both till they had all their radios replaced. Then about
a year ago I decided to buy a 97 when I saw it. It was nice as it was
smaller. Got it home, since I had set up many 95's for others now I figured
it would be easy. Read the manual, things had changed a little but not much.
Could not get it to work. It would not trunk. I re did it a couple times
went through the manual a few times and made sure I followed the steps, same
thing, it would not trunk. I finally went back to the store. No one there
knew anything. They gave me my money back. I ordered a 246. Now that was a
whole new game. Does not work anything like the RS. By reading the manual
and a little help on line, within an hour I had it set up and working fine.
I still go to RS to buy stuff as it's close to my house, but the "customer
service" there is always a joke. I do like their 800 antenna's. I found my
246 worked a little better with one, so checked the stock on line, went to
the store to buy another one. When I walked in they had re arranged the
store since the last time I was there. A sales person asked me what I was
after I told them, they looked at me with that deer in the headlights look.
Asked me if it was a CB antenna. Finally she went to her computer, looked it
up, said "yes it shows we have 3 or them in the store". Of course all 3
people working there had no idea where they were. After a lot of stupid
questions, one of them gets out his cell phone to call someone else I would
guess some manager to ask where these were. I was on my way to work, so I
gave up and told tem forget it. I went to work, went on line and ordered
one. The way the store by me is run I am always surprised it's still in
"Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites.
Moderation is for monks."
[Lazarus Long]