Rockwell GPS recievers
On Thu, 05 Jan 2006 00:02:17 GMT, "Chuck S." wrote:
OK, one more question, do you need the RS-232 port if you only want to lock
a vcxo to the 10kHz? My guess is no, just +5 volts and ground, and take the
10kHz from pin 20 of the connector.
No you don't need to concern yourself with the data port (*)(**) for a frequency
reference. Just make sure you have the appropriate 0v/5v on the appropriate
lines as per the data sheet to get the bootup mode correct.
* Without parsing the $GPRMC sentence you can't tell if you have a valid fix.
And that is the ONLY sure way to know your 10kHz is actually locked to the sat
source(s) and not derived from the rx oscillator free-running. It's pity one of
those N/C pins doesn't have a "valid" flag on it - would save the need for a
downstream processor.
** I presume you are (also) talking Rockwell/Conexant Jupiter board.