Policy Issue: Canadian Amateurs to Lose 220-222 MHz
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January 5th 06, 03:55 AM posted to
[email protected]
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Policy Issue: Canadian Amateurs to Lose 220-222 MHz
Jeff Hermann say use it or lose it is hogwash.
How much is 220-222 used in Canada?
Will 222-225 be overcrowded because
of the loss of 220-222?
What justification can there be for hams having
5 MHz of prime VHF spectrum if those 5 MHz
aren't being fully utilized?
Hey clown,
I'm not a "clown".
What's with the name-calling? Are you desperate for
attention? Or do you think such behavior is somehow
justified because I disproved your claim?
I asked significant, relevant questions about the use
of 220-222 MHz by Canadian hams. Try answering
them - if you can.
In case you didn't know, 220-225 is not worldwide
exclusive amateur territory. If hams don't use it
enough, why shouldn't it be reassigned to
services that *will* use it?
why did you cut this: "and as America goes, so goes Canada."
Because it's not relevant. Also not really true in many cases.
We lost 220-222 about 15 years ago. Hardly proof of your claim.
Canada has universal health care - USA doesn't. Canada dropped
mandatory code testing some time back but worked out an
ingenious compromise. USA can't seem to find a consensus out
of 18 proposals.
Canada doesn't just follow everyhting the USA does.
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