Thread: The Real AKC
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Old January 5th 06, 07:16 AM posted to
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Default The Real AKC

Scott in Baltimore wrote:
You ain't the real voob.

He's a real boob.

Can't respond to my ideas, so you attack me personally. That's too bad.


Aaron H. Voobner

If you remember, that's what the keyclowns used to do to me, the
real Voobner, all the time in this newsgroup. They'd call me names
like "legal beagle" and minimize what I said in favor of attacking
me personally.

If you are going to pretend you're me, at least get it right:

1. amps suck
2. freebanders suck
3. 4 watts is plenty on CB
4. keyclowns deserve no respect (they might even be gay, as N8WWM suggests)
5.clean up CB, join the AKC and fight against CB scofflaws
