Stupid question on twin feedline (air)
"jawod" wrote in message
I will assume that balanced (air) feedline is homebrew. What
recommendations are there for spacing between the twin lines? Number of
spacers per foot? If homebrew, how to keep spacers from migrating...will
small wire "stays" modify feedline characteristics?
This is all about feedline to simple dipole or inverted V.
a new (old) ham
jawod aka john
I bought 600 ohm feedline (and dipole) from W7**.
He uses pieces of PVC pipe with notches in the ends
and insulated wires. The notches provide a friction fit on
the wires. Note that you need to be certain that the
PVC has very high resistance at RF frequencies. I
have been told that some do not. You can tell if you
run higher power and the insulators heat up.
You can also buy "ladderline" with 450 or 300 ohm
impedances from a number of sources.
If you can support the center of the dipole, weight is not
as much concern as if you cannot support it. With too heavy
a ladder line, your dipole may resemble a Y.
Ed, N5EI