I haven't gotten into internet gateways because of... well, I just haven't
been able to go digital for quite a while. Digital modes will definitely
connect you other hams but won't replace the internet. I'll try to give a
little insight as I understand it.
Portions of amateur comms may be transported via internet just like it can
go over hard line. Sure, it's legal but sometimes defeats the purpose.
Having said that, I think that linking a local repeater with another on the
other side of the world could be cool just to chew the rag when your own
repeater's dried up. Whether or not all this will replace your internet
connection is a different story.
Is it technically possible to get internet via ham radio? Sure. Could we
go so far as to make our own ISP and put it out there free? Sure. But...
Every time an advertisement is on a web page, you'd be "breakin' da' law"
since there can be no commercial or pecuniary interest. Besides, I'm pretty
sure that it'd be miserably slow. Here's some brainstorming.
Hams could, if they wanted to, use TCP/IP protocol and send text, graphics
and html; a'la webpage. But why? You want to talk with someone and you
can't serve up the internet via ham. Retrieving a webpage could still be
useful, though. Here, I'm talking about a clean, compact, commercial-free,
ham-approved webpage.
Filtering out the web would be simply impossible, so, don't even try.
It's feasible, albeit labor intensive, to add webpages of/by/for hams to a
firewalled server that could be used to retrieve those files remotely. I
don't know who would do it and it's more than what I'd like to take on. So,
digital modes are the way to go if you'd like something closer to chat or
file transfer.
Getting into digital modes would definitely put you in touch with other
hams. You could find a packet BBS perhaps that you could even connect to
and retrieve from a mailbox. Packet BBS', PSK-31, RTTY, AMTOR, Clover, Slow
Scan TeleVision (SSTV), etc, all give you different benefits and uses. All
this isn't the internet but it's a better way to chew the fat with other
hams. Hope this helps.
P.S. The fact that this entire exchange took place via internet doesn't
make it less true

We'll just call it a pre-arranged communication
Best Regards, /| ,[_____],
Jim, WP3JQ |¯¯¯L --O|||||||O-
()_)¯()_) ¯¯¯¯¯ )_)
EM60qk 30.447439N 086.628959W
wrote in message
I have recently canceled my home Internet connection.....trying to
reduce expenses.
I have high speed Internet at work...and use it there all day....so
didn't see a real need for it at home as I live alone.
Having said that....Im a general class ham.... but haven't been on air
in years and currently have no equip.
Im wondering if getting into digital radios such as packet would allow
me some "connection" with like minded people such as Usenet groups do?
Advice? Opinions?