Stupid question on twin feedline (air)
I will assume that balanced (air) feedline is homebrew....
If you can support the center of the dipole, weight is not
as much concern as if you cannot support it. With too heavy
a ladder line, your dipole may resemble a Y.
If the center of the dipole is NOT supported, I've found the worst problem
is the ladderline breaking -- from flexing caused by wind, etc. -- just
below where it is connected to the antenna. My current dipole has a center
support, but I've read that making the last section(s) of ladder-line out
of stranded wire will reduce the flex-breaking problem.
--Myron A. Calhoun.
Five boxes preserve our freedoms: soap, ballot, witness, jury, and cartridge
PhD EE (retired). "Barbershop" tenor. CDL(PTXS). W0PBV. (785) 539-4448
NRA Life Member and Certified Instructor (Home Firearm Safety, Rifle, Pistol)