Thread: Collins 18 S-4
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Old January 7th 06, 01:40 AM posted to
Fred W4JLE
Posts: n/a
Default Collins 18 S-4

I have a manual coming, if you have any particular areas you need info on
let me know.

If the copyright has expired, I will scan it an publish it on LuLu press.

I have two and I am awaiting the manual to see what goes in the rear of the
chasis that seems to be missing from both of mine.

There is a cradle that goes across the back and nothing occupies the space
on either of mine.

"MilRad" wrote in message

Thanks for the great tips. I guess I will nail down a manual/schematic
and lay down a battle plan from then on. I like the VFO/RF section



K3HVG Wrote:
Mark, I built a control head. No big thing. Also, AM is the deafult.
All you really need do is plug in a mic on the front panel. RF and AF
gain must be controlled externally, of course. The crystals you have
won't do you much good but you can have a set cut for.. say 3885, or
such. That's what I did. I hooked a Heath VFO up to the transmitter
and it worked OK. The 18-S4A receiver is much better than the
unit inasmuch as it has a mech filter installed. The straight unit is
as broad as a TCS! Also, I did not use the fixed elements in the TX
tank circuit. I brought out the "untuned" RF into an external
PI-network (instead of the tuner) for 80 meters. That way, I could
wherever needed and not worry about the fixed freq. tank components.
have both original Collins 18-S4 and 18-S4A manuals. Unfortunately, I
no longer have "unlimited copy capability"...hi!
