SPRAT #125 - The Saviour of Ham Radio?
The Winter 2005/6 edition of SPRAT would seem to indicate that
the G-QRP club is well placed to act as the guardian of _REAL_
Ham Radio in Britland, now that the RSCB has thrown in the
towel by the metaphorically-mixing act of nailing its colours
("colors" for the non-English-speaking Yanks) to the mast.
A bevy of practical articles, including a suggestion for using
a throw-away VHF FM scanner RX as an HF RX.
One point of criticism, to keep a balance, is that the G-QRP
club supports the gangrenous degeneration that is the M3/CB
Fools' Licence scheme and by publishing a homebrew Top
Band rig by a licensee in the aforementioned scheme is encouraging
the licensees thereof to breach their licence conditions.