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Old January 8th 06, 06:50 PM posted to,
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Default SPRAT #125 - The Saviour of Ham Radio?

Jeff wrote:
One point of criticism, to keep a balance, is that the G-QRP
club supports the gangrenous degeneration that is the M3/CB
Fools' Licence scheme and by publishing a homebrew Top
Band rig by a licensee in the aforementioned scheme is encouraging
the licensees thereof to breach their licence conditions.

Been upstaged by an M3?

Instead of whinging on the NG why don't you write an article for the G-QRP
Club Mag and share your knowledge with those who you would no doubt class as
_REAL_ Radio Hams?

Good to see G-QRP are encouraging newcomers to the hobby. Plenty of M3s
listed in the members' handbook, and now writing technical articles for
Sprat too!

I also noticed that G3RJV has re-published the transmitter section of
the SC Deluxe in this month's PW, complete with his usual excellent
explanation of how the circuit works, proving that it doesn't need to
be rocket science.

All of which rather belies the rabid drivel that started this thread!

Mike G4KFK, G-QRP 6627