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Old January 9th 06, 03:36 AM posted to
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Default thinking about some new gear

Hey Everyone!

I'm thinking about a new radio and/or an antenna pre-selector/active
loop/tuner. I'm in Suprior WI USA right at the Western tip of Lake

I started with a Kaito 1102 which I still love, then moved on to an
Eton E10 and E100 (the girlfriend has the E10 now and my oldest son has
the E100), then got a Sangean Super 909 from radiolabs (which I love),
and also an Icom IC-R5 for work, and a Degen 1105 just for fun.

I've got a 75ft longwire outside with a 4ft copper plated ground rod,
and a Degen DE31 active loop.

Thinking about antenna stuff... should I go with the Palstar AA30, the
MFJ 1020C, 1022, 1024 outdoor, the Vertronics AT-!00, or the Ameco TPA?
I might be missing some makes/models and would be interested in
hearing comments about them. How about the LF Engineering H-800 or
900? (trying to stay under $150 or so)

When it comes to a new radio, I'm interested in the Icom R-75, a
reconditioned Grundig Satellite 800 Millenium from Universal, and of
course the new Eton E1. Or maybe the Palstar R30 series or the Yaesu

I'm just tossing around serious ideas in my head, and thought I'd toss
them around in yours as well!

Thanks in advance for any replies! Also, thanks for keeping things
