Magnavox D1875 II Band World Receiver and Toshiba Model No.RP-F11
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January 9th 06, 02:20 PM posted to
John S.
Posts: n/a
Magnavox D1875 II Band World Receiver and Toshiba Model No.RP-F11
John S. wrote:
I bought these two radios at a Goodwill store about ten years ago and
they do work pretty well.I was wondering,are they suppose to be good
radios or just so so radios? The signal strenght meter on the Toshiba
radio does not work and it wasen't working when I bought the
radio,otherwise,the radio does work ok.
The D1875 offers fair performance for an analog receiver. It is
completely eclipsed by the performance and sheer number of features on
a Degen DE1103, which can be had now for about the same price a 1875
sold for 15 years ago. The RFP-11 is essentially the same as the 1875.
I have read of bands bleeding over on the rfp-11 (also sold under the
kenwood name).
I have 3 d1875s and a couple of them are extremely quiet and sensitive
on SW, at least as good as my 1103. They are very good on MW but not as
good as the 1103. The 2 that are excellent seem to be a newer version
with a curved grill over the speaker. This must have some circuit
tweaks over my 3rd 1875 which may be a slightly older version that has
a flat speaker grill. Also the tone control on the 1875 is very
effective. I still like my 1103 and my desktops better though but for
15-20$ on flea-bay (or goodwill) these cannot be beat, IMHO.
At $15.00 that is a pretty good deal - comparable pricing to the Degan
and Tecsun analog units on Ebay. Yes, the sound from the Magnavox is
quite pleasant and easily beat the Sony analogs it competed with in the
early 1990's.
Did you find the "Hidden band" yet? Just push the slider switch over
one more notch to the right into the analog scale section and it
connects to the highest shortwave band.
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