Thread: Query..
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Old January 9th 06, 11:37 PM posted to
Amos Keag
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Default Query..

Reg Edwards wrote:
"Cecil Moore" wrote -

Except Rhombics, of course. :-)


Cecil, get yourself up to date.

A terminated rhombic is only 50 percent (or even less) efficient.

It transmitts to, and receives from, only half of the available
directions. A wicked waste of power. I can't imagine why anybody
bothers to use one which is not rotateable.

Have you ever erected a 160-meter or 80-meter or even a 40-meter
rotateable rhombic? smiley
Reg, G4FGQ.

Reg, during the Vietnam War we used a terminated rhombic from the State
of Utah [USA desert area] to SEA [AKA Vietnam]as part of the antenna
farm at AGA5HI [USAF MARS Gateway Station] for phone patch traffic. It
would outperform the Yagi and the LP antenna.

I was AFF1C TDY at AGA5HI [Hill Air Force Base, Utah]

I don't believe there is a net loss of gain in the preferred direction.
If one loses -3 dB in the resistor, does one not waste -3 dB in the
non-preferred direction [180 degrees from the desired direction]?