steve lies some more
K4YZ wrote:
and the scren I have used were mine you point?
The "point" is not mine to make. It's yours. You keep stating
that I am "hiding". I am not.
The "nick", properly the "nickname" is exactly the same for all
accounts, and that is "K4YZ", which is my FCC-issued Amateur Radio
station license.
So we've demonstrated that (1) You don't know the proper
terminology for the various components of a USENET post and (2) Your
allegations of my "hiding" are false.
nope more lies
I keep to 2 myself since I am posting in bulk threough Free agent and
cacthing other stuff on Google, have to use 2 nicks at a time what is
your excuse
Just keeping up with the Joneses, Markie...
meaning you agree i was neer doing anything worng you were just
bitching about it
Of course you are doing things wrong, Markie.
no I am not
Stealing my wife's
ARRL remailer and creating screen names
wasn't stolen
that defiled two dead people,
one a child, was pretty sick.
no defilement occoured
And're LYING about only having 2 screen names active
on here.
nope not lying used up one of the 2 and trotted out the next in seris
only 2 at time from mark
I count five used in the last 96 hours.
nope ore lies
Steve, K4YZ