On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 16:57:42 +0100, "F8BOE" f8boe (at) free.fr wrote:
What do you definitely need?
A logging program or a packet program?
Both, and with the limited memory capabilities (over 64MB on this machine
actually slows it down, because of the BIOS), finding a pair which were not
memory hogs, or a dual-function program, would be very nice.
I have some www adresses for free (FOR AMATEUR USE ONLY) programs.
That would be very nice. I'd appreciate it if you would send them to K7AAY
at the appropriate ARRL forwarding e-mail address (not explicitly listed,
to reduce the spam inevitiable if one posts a complete e-mail address on
But I doubt this would be for amateur radio use...
Why? Didn't I specify this was for the Co. ARES unit?
Nevermind we all are happy CBers now!
The meaning of your last sentence eludes me.
Look for the Winlog32 full (registered) version which has maps You can
easily find it witha good search engine.
Thank you.
a écrit dans le message de
Looking for Win98-compatible logging software for use on a P-200MMX Compaq
laptop with a thundering 32MB of RAM. Users wish a lookup function; when
a callsign is entered, they want to see a popup with the name & station
This is intended for packet use (and, yes, will be scrounging for memory
for this Armada 1590). Oh, yes, free would be preferred, since this is
for the county ARES unit.
What do y'all use for logging?
Thank you kindly.
Nobody but a fool goes into a federal counterrorism operation without duct tape - Richard Preston, THE COBRA EVENT.