How do you get an onmi-directional pattern from this antenna ?
The other issue is that at 921MHz, the unit is almost 1m long (too big
to mount in our indoor applications)
Howard W3CQH wrote:
Try a loop yagi=
"David" wrote in message
I am looking for recommendation for a design of antenna to operate
in the band 915-928 MHz.
The desired response is omni-directional with gain greater than or equal
to a 1/2 wave dipole, something that does not require a ground plane
and is reasonably straight forward to manufacture in-house.
So far I am considering a 1/2 wave vertical dipole with feed through lower
element, J-Pole and Collinear.
Thanks in advance for any ideas or link to a web site that might have some
homebrew versions I could replicate and try.
Kind Regards
David Huisman
Kind Regards
David Huisman
General Manager
ORBIT COMMUNICATIONS Pty Ltd - Wireless Solutions that Work
(Telemetry, Control, Monitoring, Security, HVAC ...)
A.C.N. 107 441 869
Website :
PO Box 4474 Lakehaven
Phone: 61-2-4393-3627
Fax : 61-2-4393-3685
Mobile: 61-413-715-986