January 12th 06, 12:10 AM
posted to rec.radio.amateur.policy,rec.radio.cb
morestve whing about drinking go for prohibtion why don't you
wrote in message
On 10 Jan 2006 22:36:52 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 10 Jan 2006 18:52:32 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On Tue, 10 Jan 2006 22:23:29 -0000, "The Magnum"
wrote in message
.. .
On 10 Jan 2006 10:06:32 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 21 Oct 2005 09:21:39 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:
interfence is censorship accrdoing to you steve
Guess you just made that "sentence" up and cut-and-paste it
you can't come up with anything original.
I cut and pasted it becuase it sered
Because it WHAT...?!?!
Served what? Dinner? Snacks?
it serveds and still does
if you can't fill the rest I don't realy care
but then you went and cesored therest of the pst
Because I WHAT the WHAT?
you censored the rest
No I didn't.
yes you did at least accrdoing to your statements that cutting
something was censorship
Is the Tequila running free there per chance?
not that I know o but then Ithat stuff make me throw up so Id never
drink it
Lessee....Markie says it makes him throw up, which means he's drank
it before, but in the last 10 days he's SWORE that he does not drink
One I have not so sworwn so you lied there
Sure you have. Absolutley stated that you do NOT drink, never
nope you may have distorted something into that but I have not said I
never drank achol in my past
Which in and of itself was a lie since in our first go-arounds
you admitted to prefering certain beers.
I prefer them for cerain uses uses that would offend you if I stated
them here
you chose to assume I might drinking them I don't consume oraly with
any regaulr I may snip at a beer if offered I do like Odul a Non
acholic beer and serval Other NA's
Two you clearly don't understand the meaning of the words of past and
Sure I do.
then use this knowledge
three why do you obesse over how much I or anone might drink, it is in
oint of fact none of your busness
Sure it is. When the "subject" is honesty and you've claimed that
you DON'T drink when you quite clearly just stated that you do, it is
my "busness"
you are ying about my statement or misunderstanding them
BTW you have the right to misunderstand them, as I do wrt your posts
And he wonders why he keeps getting jabbed about his stories and
only becuase you don't know how to read steve
Sure I do.
then do it and stop adding that aren't there
or do you see more words than i type it looks like it
you don't know the past from the present
Sure I do. YOU don't know how to express them.
then you show if this stement can be relied on that you know you might
be misunderstanding mys tatements and therfore distoring them
You still lie when you claim to knwo I hae been drinking at any given
point in time
obvioulsy Id have to comused the acholal at some to know that drinking
in real amount makes me sick
I am sure it takes quite a lot to make a fat slob like you "that"
then you are wrong
I can drink about a beer without geting sick maybe one martini, I do
so from time to time to be socail I don't drink on a regular basis and
you are unable to tell any given time when I have
what was wrong with that
Nothing, as long as you don't beat your "wife" when you're drunk
and stay out from behind the wheel of a motor vehicle when you do.
implied slander
and why is it any of your busness?
Because you brought it up and commented on it.
no you brought it up with your accsuation that I was posting while
I told you to not comment on issues that you don't want discussed.
That is, afterall, what you say you've been wanting.
you posted the coments that I was posting drunk i have every right to
coment on that slander if I chose
If I had been posting drunk that was none of your bussness then
Steve, K4YZ
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You don't consume beer orally? Please, don't explain. BTW, you need to use
your spell check as you type as if you are drunk.