Your perceptions, even though discounted here, could be your buyers reality
when you sell!
Remember: location, location, location.
Buy it only after you've checked for RFI, can't find as good a deal
elsewhere and are prepared to suffer any latent consequences!
hank wd5jfr
"jj" wrote in message
I am a ham looking for a home. I found one that interests me, except
that it is about 600 feet from high tension lines. I am trying to
determine whether I should be concerned about this. There are three
potential issues that I can think of:
1.) Possible excessive exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields.
2.) Even if there is no significant exposure, the resale value of the
property may be affected if other buyers are concerned if/when I turn
around to sell it.
3.) Radio noise. I would imagine that any arcing along the system
would wreak havoc on my enjoyment of weak-signal dx.
Any and all comments appreciated.