Thread: Dual jfet
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Old January 13th 06, 04:22 AM posted to
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Default Dual jfet

Martyn wrote:
"Roy Lewallen" wrote in message

If you match both Idss and Vp, they'll have the same Gm at all currents --
in theory.

Roy Lewallen, W7EL

Steve Nosko wrote:

Depends on the particular application, but this sounds reasonable.
rather than IDss, I'd shoot for what ever bias current they are operated
though IDss may work,
73, K,9.D;C'I

"Ken Scharf" wrote in message

I'm building a circuit that calls for a dual monolithic
jfet. Can I use two discrete jfets that I have matched
for IDSS in the circuit? They are in TO92 plastic
cases, I can glue the two in contact with each other
so they end up at the same temperature.

i have u401 and e402 dual fets, new but unused.

any use to you?

martyn G0THY

Thnaks for the offer.
The specs on the U401 would work out fine for my application.
What would you want for a pair of them?