Looking for Relays Hammarlund HX50
Hi Paul,
I have just got my HX50 running into an antenna last night. Good
reports on both AM and SSB on 40m. I had to sacrifice a slug out of
one of the 20m coils to get 40m to work. I'm hoping to scour some
hamfest in the spring to try and find some slugs.
Previous owner of rig I got off of Ebay had hacked a hole in the
chassis and mounted a octal socket over there by the output toob. It
looked like a big wart hangong off the back. I junked that relay and
just hardwired output to the 259 connector. I use outboard T/R anyway.
There is another octal base 3pdt relay over by the audio section
which I kept. I think it was homebrewed, but could be factory????
So point is you can run 1 relay if that is ok with an outboard T/R. I
know some people want thing to look 100% factory, and I am not knocking
that. Keep about 1.5watts on the relay coil and should pull in no prob
without overheating. I think the 110vdc type relays in an octal plug
in are nice way to go.
Good luck with your rig. I think you said you are working on for your