Hi Roger !
I didn't know that group... I will subscribe for sure! Thanks.
"Roger" wrote in message
tirebouchon69 wrote on 10/03/2004 15:25:
I want to setup a weather APRS station in my QTH. I use a 1-wire
station: TAI8515 from AAG Electronica (Dallas Semiconductor), with a
serial adapter connected on COM1. I run UI-View 32 (latest release,
registered!) on Windows 2000, and I transmit on 144.390 MHz with a
Kantronics KPC-3 TNC (I would like to use AGW sound card driver as
this part already works fine).
I would like to transmit weather infos (from 1-wire) on the air with
UI-View. I installed "UI-weather" add-on (from Andy, M0CYP), but it
seems I
need another software or driver to make UI-View able to read (and
data from my 1-wire port.
If you ask in the UI-View mailing list on Yahoo Groups, you will find
people who use that wx station with UI-View. They will be able to tell
you exactly what you need to do.
Roger Barker, G4IDE -
For UI-View go to - http://www.UI-View.com
For WinPack go to - http://www.peaksys.co.uk