Policy Issue: Canadian Amateurs to Lose 220-222 MHz
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January 14th 06, 02:19 PM posted to
[email protected]
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Policy Issue: Canadian Amateurs to Lose 220-222 MHz
Jeff Hermann say use it or lose it is hogwash.
How much is 220-222 used in Canada?
Will 222-225 be overcrowded because
of the loss of 220-222?
What justification can there be for hams having
5 MHz of prime VHF spectrum if those 5 MHz
aren't being fully utilized?
Hey clown,
I'm not a "clown".
Fair enough. Yet you behave as a clown.
What's with the name-calling?
What's with the clown-like behavior?
Are you desperate for attention?
Are you desperate for a small win on RRAP?
Or do you think such behavior is somehow
justified because I disproved your claim?
Now there's a grand claim. The only thing you did was to clip my
statement that "as America goes, so goes Canada." We lost it for them.
Their government merely realigned their spectrum to match ours.
I asked significant, relevant questions about the use
of 220-222 MHz by Canadian hams. Try answering
them - if you can.
"Significant and relevant" to whom?
In case you didn't know, 220-225 is not worldwide
exclusive amateur territory. If hams don't use it
enough, why shouldn't it be reassigned to
services that *will* use it?
Herman says "use it or lose it" is hogwash. Talk to him about it.
why did you cut this: "and as America goes, so goes Canada."
Because it's not relevant. Also not really true in many cases.
I think you're a closet Canadian.
We lost 220-222 about 15 years ago. Hardly proof of your claim.
Ahem. Look more closely at their new 220 band.
Compare and contrast it to the USA 220 plan.
Canada has universal health care - USA doesn't. Canada dropped
mandatory code testing some time back but worked out an
ingenious compromise. USA can't seem to find a consensus out
of 18 proposals.
Canada doesn't just follow everyhting the USA does.
Hmmm? You sure now a lot about Canada in general.
Now go back and look at Canada's new 220 ham band.
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