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Old January 14th 06, 05:01 PM posted to,,
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Default Yet Another Apology To Our British Bretheren

an_old_friend wrote:
Orator For Decency wrote:
What is Ham Radio?

stop cross posting this #### to the mnayly us gruop your english
license system wether flawed or not is not subject the FCC so whing
about it to us is sueless

Dear Chaps in the UK:

The hate and discontent just spewed upon you per the nickname of
"an_old_friend" is none other than Mark C. Morgan, KB9RQZ.

Mark is quick to call others "bigot", among other things, however
as it turns out he is the most aggrevious example of what a bigot
really is. In this case, suggesting that those of you posting from the
UK about license issues (a policy matter if ever I heard one) was
somehow inapproprate on RRAP.

There is no prohibition in the RRAP "charter" about such messages
being ONLY related to FCC (ie: "United States") jurisdiciton. I for
one am interested in seeing how y'all perceive such issues and handle

Furthermore, he certainly does NOT hold any "moderator" status
that would permit him to direct ANY discussion in this forum.

As for Mark...well...Mark is an enigma even here in the States.
"Mark" is what happens when you spend more on one B-2 than you do on
your entire nationwide in-patient mental healthcare system...A system
that he'd be in if it were better funded.

Mark's tales started with his insistance that he was a drafted
colonel in the US Army "chemical corps" (we was 8 years old when the
draft ended in the States). He's recently been responsible for
spamming RRAP with over 1000 messages and using the names of deceased
family members of this respondant's family in order to "get a point

I am sure you know what "point" got across! ; )

So, please accept one Yank's apologies for the discourtesy and
incivility exercised against you by one of my (less well cultured)


Steve, K4YZ