Dovetron Product Detector
Hi, Dave
Does the Dovetron have a USB/LSB switch,
or can it be switched remotely? (My HRO-50 is rack mounted,
so no easy access through the top of the receiver).
Also, does it provide a good AGC system?
Audio derived AGC? Can you point me to a schematic?
"Edward Knobloch" wrote in message
I'm thinking of adding a product detector to my HRO-50.
I see that Dovetron used to make an adapter that plugged into
the NBFM socket. Does anyone have any experience
with the Dovetron unit, and can anyone point me
to a schematic? BAMA and the ManualMan came up empty.
Ed Knobloch
Dave Stadt wrote:
I have one in a Collins 75A2. It's pretty remarkable.