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Old January 15th 06, 12:23 PM posted to,,,alt.ham-radio.vhf-uhf
Phil Harmonic
Posts: n/a
Default Ham Radio, How I got caught

"Jeffrey Herman" wrote in message
Howard Johnson Jr wrote:
I've been a ham radio operator for over 29 years and never once took a
test for a license.

Then you really weren't a ham radio operator. You were just a two-bit
criminal -- a federal lawbreaker, but certainly not a ham radio

Jeff KH6O & WC2XSR/12
Chief Petty Officer, U.S. Coast Guard
Mathematics Lecturer, University of Hawaii System

Hey Jeffy-poo, did you know that the very first hams didn't have licenses
either? Early pirates they were, experimenters, risk-takers... Nothing like
the buy-it-off-shelf and plug it in lazy ass hams of today. Pass a simple
test with mulitple answers and you got an extra ticket and with only 5wpm
code too! You call that a license? I hear extras every day who don't know
crap about basic tube theory or for that matter, simple ohms law. What's up
with that? You guys can take your breakfast ceral ham licenses and shove
them where the sun doesn't shine, they are worthless!