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Old January 15th 06, 10:54 AM posted to
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Default Building a Solid Copper Ground Pipe {Tube} with an Solid Iron Core. - Also - Water Drilling a Solid Copper Pipe for a Ground Rod.

For One and All,

Building a Solid Copper Ground Pipe {Tube} with an Solid Iron Core.
[ Also - Water Drilling a Solid Copper Pipe for a Ground Rod. ]

Located and identify the placement of your Ground Rod.

Take a piece of Copper Pipe 8-10 Foot long.

Cut the Bottom Tip of the Copper Pipe at a 45 Degree Angle
-or- Cross-Cut the Bottom Tip about a Half Inch at 0*-180*
and 90*-270* and bend the four edges inward at an Angle
to form a Water {Cutting} Jet.

Near the Bottom about One Inch Drill a Through-and-Through
set of opposed 1/8" Holes; and then go up and Inch at 60*
and do the same; and next go up and Inch at 120* and do
the same again.

Use a common Water Hose Fitting on the Top End
of the Copper Pipe; with a Water Hose connected
to it; to Hydro-Drill the Copper Pipe into the Ground.
Turn-on-the-Water and start you Hydro-Drilling.

The Remove the common Water Hose Fitting from
the Top End of the Copper Pipe.

Note - Improving Ground Rod Conductivity :
Use a small funnel to pour a dry of wet Mixture
of : 1/2 Epsom Salt; and 1/4 Copper Sulfate and
1/4 common Iodized {Table} Salt down into the
Copper Pipe. About a Cup of two will do.
This will help the Ground Conductivity of your
Ground Rod.

* Magnesium Sulfate = Epsom Salt
* Copper Sulfate = Copper Sulphate = Blue Vitriol
* Common Iodized {Table} Salt

Take a Piece of Re-Bar (Iron Construction Bar)
Stick the piece of Re-Bar inside the Copper Pipe (Tube)
as long as the Copper Pipe.

You now have a Ground Rod made-up-of-a :
Solid Copper Ground Pipe {Tube} with a Solid Iron Core.

FWIW - Of course there is always the Ready-Made
Plated Copper-on-Iron Ground Rods that can be found
in most Hardware Stores.

hope this helps - iane ~ RHF