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Old January 16th 06, 12:34 AM posted to
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Default More despicable acts on RRAP

K4YZ wrote:
On 15 Jan 2006 12:40:26 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
normaly you have not been going after him so hard

I would ask if he peed in your cheeerios bu that would be distrted by
steve yet further

Naw. I'm just waiting for Steve to apologize.

For what?

For starting numerous threads claiming people are homosexuals and/or

No one has been "accused" of anything that wasn't part-and-parcel
of some thing they said or did, Brian...And YES, this includes you.

Yet you confuse a UP food with strippers and "bunkmates."

No...YOU confused the spellings. And considering Markie's other
expressed perversions, it was not beyond the realm of the plausible.

accrding you it would be

Then you've yet again demosntrated that you didn't accurately
comprehend what wa being said, Markie.

What wa? Wa? Wa what? What?

you keep insiting I have no interest in women

No...I insinuated that you prefered to ACT like a woman, hence the
suggested wearing of pasties.


I am sure you LOVE women...You do your very best to emulate them
at ever turn.


You are, of course, a liar.

Brain...I am surprised at you...Talking to yourself in public like

delsuional behavoir from steve nothing new there


Nothing new.

For writing: "Raped an old friend."

Was it written to or about you...?!?!

It offends me none-the-less. You have dragged this group into the

Don't be shy, Brain! You've been right in there helping! Take
your own bow! You've earned it!

for what?

For his mutual participation in whatever degradation of the
character of RRAP has occured, Markie.

You are the lightning rod. Time to take your bows and exit.

Oh, he's no Lennie or Markie Morgan, but he's performed to his own
low standards for years now.

You've been misspelling peoples names and using diminuitives for five
years. If that's all you did you would have been a mere annoyance.
But it's not all you've done.

There is no cause for that kind of behavio[u]r on rrap.

There is no cause for you to ignore requests for validation of
assertions you make or proof of having done the things you claim....But
you do.

I behave civilly.

You're a pathological liar, Mr Burke.

your prove

"your prove"...?!?!

What wa? Wa?

Lying is one of the most
UN-civil things you can do regardless of what "tone of voice" you
express yourself in!

then why do you do it

I don't.

Yet another Robeson lie.

why di you type the Lie"mark Morgan caught ontap molesting..."

Prove I lied Markie.

Steve, did you actually type that or something like that?

Apologize at once.

For what?

Steve, K4YZ

Your presence.


becuase you are a despectable liar that does not even follow the
teaching of his own moral code

Prove it.

Steve, K4YZ