hey BB did steve do somethign specail toy uo laely?
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January 16th 06, 02:07 PM posted to
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More Markie Mularkie
On 15 Jan 2006 13:08:37 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 15 Jan 2006 12:40:26 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
Then you've yet again demonstrated that you didn't accurately
comprehend what was being said, Markie.
not at all
Absolutely "at all'.
you keep insiting I have no interest in women
No...I insinuated that you prefered to ACT like a woman, hence the
suggested wearing of pasties.
on what bassi do you make that ininsuation?
(Remember...YOU asked....)
Your acknowlegement that you prefer to have sex with men, Markie.
that is the first time you have stated that BTW
No, it's not.
I am sure you LOVE women...You do your very best to emulate them
at ever turn.
more lies steve
See above.
You are, of course, a liar.
Brain...I am surprised at you...Talking to yourself in public like
delsuional behavoir from steve nothing new there
nothing new
For writing: "Raped an old friend."
Was it written to or about you...?!?!
It offends me none-the-less. You have dragged this group into the
Don't be shy, Brain! You've been right in there helping! Take
your own bow! You've earned it!
for what?
For his mutual participation in whatever degradation of the
character of RRAP has occured, Markie.
but that is your doing not mine not BB's
Nope...YOU two have been as equally culpable in any degradation
that has occured, Markie.
you and dave
Dave and I WHAT?
Oh, he's no Lennie or Markie Morgan, but he's performed to his own
low standards for years now.
beter than you but that is not hard
Hey, I'll take that as a compliment.
Lying is one of the most
UN-civil things you can do regardless of what "tone of voice" you
express yourself in!
then why do you do it
I don't.
yes you do
"mark morgan caught on tape.."
there is one of your lies
Is it?
You've never proven otherwise.
why di you type the Lie"mark Morgan caught ontap molesting..."
Prove I lied Markie.
your claim you prove it
I'm not claiming I lied, Markie, YOU are.
Now PROVE that I am lying!
but you also claimed in the post it was untruthfull
Then YOU have proven that you're guilty of quoting out of context.
Apologize at once.
For what?
Steve, K4YZ
Your presence.
becuase you are a despectable liar that does not even follow the
teaching of his own moral code
Prove it.
you asked
he has not foolowed the teaching of Chrst " Let he that is without sin
cast the first stone"
You've done nothing except quote a line from the Christian Bible.
You claimed that I was not following my OWN "moral code".
From what source did you obtain this "code", and how is it that
you know I am not following it?
Steve, K4YZ
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