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Old January 16th 06, 02:44 PM posted to
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Default More Markie Mularkie

an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
On 15 Jan 2006 13:01:20 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

no eveidence that that dave is correctly wired

Sure there is.

He's a reknowned and internationally known Amateur Radio operator.

never heard of except on RRAP

That's because the complete scope of your Amateur Radio knowledge
is RRAP.

an lie and you know it

No, I do NOT 'know it".

From your obvious idiotic behaviour and lack of understanding of
even the most basic foundations of certain matters of Amateur Radio,
it's pretty apparent that your knowledge base is weak to say the least.

you youself wrot me a note about an apearnce in CQ VHF


Try reading some of the printed journals from time-to-time.

I do

No...I mean READ THE WORDS...Not just look at the pictures.

You're a documented pathological liar who's had more than one
run-in with law enforcement and the mental health system.

more than one run in with law enforcemnt?

where are you geting your lies

It wasn't a lie. It came from you...On the OTHERHAND...Coming from
you it probably WAS a lie...MY BAD!

Were you lying about being investigated for elder abuse,
specifically your own father...?!?!

you call thata run in with the law

Yeah...I'd say being investigate for elder abuse is a "run in with
the law".

it was over a fasle charge

Not being completely validated does not mean it was false...It
means that there wasn't enough for them to proceed with.

At some point there was enough to make them ask the questions...

and then let us get the story right since reutrning to RRAp I have 3
runs in with that law (once the c"charge" f elder abuse likel from you)

Nope...Any "elder" abuse charges you faced you faced from someone
who was able to make an eyes-on assessment that there was a problem.

once over a charge of child abuse cerainly from

and once for alegeation I was suaciadal sign by an LPN out of TN, IOW

What's "suaciadal"...?!?!

if that isa run in with the law then the phrase is all but meaningless

No...It fits quite aptly.

I have also had a run in withe law becuase my neighboor objects to the
use of a powered snow thower

Probably at 3AM...I would too.

let me see I was questioned by some yesterday over a shooting in
greenbay sadly I arrived on the snce far too late to see anything

I supose youd call the cop sliding into me on the snow a run in I
certainly do but not the sort that means much

BTW I hve not had a run in with the law over your mailing of DEc5 about
my "threatening" you
or on your charge that Iwas caught on tape molsesting a kid

Not yet, anyway.

Steve, K4YZ