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Old January 16th 06, 09:15 PM posted to
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Default Radio Shack's diminishing parts offerings....was: Why don't Ilearn

(see quoted posts at end)

In the last year I've paid a lot more attention to what RS (RC!) has or
does not have in the line of parts. Around me are a little more than 1/2
dozen, and I've scanned through those 2-4 cubic yard drawers and more or
less memorized what they have, and where. Some places have zip, others are
not too bad.

You can get some catalogs by mailing to some of those addresses in the
back of QST that advertise parts/antique radio, etc.

Also, Newark is still in business (, I think, and you can
fill out an on-line form and get a very thick catalog in 1-2 months [you
can still get some tube-relevant parts, but its mostly solid-state only
these days]).

Also, maybe try your search engine. There is a FAQ...I
don't recall if it had a source list, but that would be useful. Some
places are starting to charge outrageous prices for stuff (transformers
that used to be $10-15 a few years ago are now $40-60 and they are still
surplus!!). Me, I'm kludging together what I need by connecting,
back-to-back, things like filament transformers to get B+, etc.

I grew up on kits, soldering irons, and making your own stuff. Now, I you have to go to a 3rd world country to get parts? (India,
China, Russia? [I even wonder if the kids over there make things? Or, did
they just leap into solid state, and throw-away-society mindsets like we
have here in the US?]).


===== no change to below, included for reference and context =====

On Sun, 15 Jan 2006, Jack O'Neill wrote:

Rich wrote:

This is the second time in three weeks I went to Radio Shack for something
and they didn't have it.

1. was a speaker L pad
2. was a 300K PC pot and a 200K resisters.

Radio Shack, you got questions (or parts) we got.............. DUH, what
With sub-standred parts (experimental quality) and junk
98% of Radio Craps should go out of business.