Radio Shack's diminishing parts offerings....was: Why don't I learn
In the last year I've paid a lot more attention to what RS (RC!) has or
does not have in the line of parts. Around me are a little more than 1/2
dozen, and I've scanned through those 2-4 cubic yard drawers and more or
less memorized what they have, and where. Some places have zip, others are
not too bad.
You might as well forget these losers... They forgot their roots and
how they got to where they are now (well all except for the screwing
the customer part). When i started going to RS - WHEN it was a Radio
Shack in the 70's, they had already begun the "phase out chips that
don't sell" policy. I have tons of the older stuff that i got free!!!
I made friends with a manager in South Jersey and whenever he'd "throw
out" a product number he'd call me. As for now. eBay has supplied me
with most of my parts believe it or not!