junius wrote:
On eham.net, you'll find that the first reviewer for the Grundig Mini
300 noted that his unit was "usually reading 5khz high across all of
the bands."
see: http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/4761
So, if the displayed frequency occasionally reads off by 5 kHz, it
could well be that your 15545 @ 20:15 sportscast was actually the 15540
kHz RPI program and your 7115 @ 03:22 actually R. Republica on 7110
She corrected the frequency to 15455, but your point is certainly still valid.
If this is the case, then you'll find that your new Kaito '1101, being
a PLL synthesized unit, will receive these transmissions 5 kHz lower
than what your Mini 300 was displaying.
Best of listening to you.