ATAS 120
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July 18th 03, 09:46 AM
Bob Miller
Posts: n/a
On 17 Jul 2003 18:54:51 GMT,
(ALCCA) wrote:
Rich and Bob thanks for the suggestions. I don't have a balcony that is wht I
have been struggling with a good set up. The ground plate is rather large 2
feet X 2 feet and it is a 1/4 inch thick and according to MFJ provides the
equivalent ground of a car. I think using an extension probably is a bad idea
since the ATAS requires to be in direct contact with the ground. I am now
thinking of mounting the ATAS directly to the ground plate and if I need to add
some radials. What do you guys think.
Al Casanova
I'd try one or the other. Attach a single 1/4 wave counterpoise wire
to the ground side of your antenna, and compare that to what happens
with the plate, by itself. In the past, in an apartment, I used a
short vertical with a loading coil, and tuned it by adjusting a single
counterpoise wire to 1/4-wavelength for the band being used. Worked
pretty good with 100 watts, tho' the wire was hot with rf :-)
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