Thread: Cheaper Degen's
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Old January 18th 06, 03:57 AM posted to
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Default Cheaper Degen's

"John S." wrote more

Taiwan has not nor will it EVER host the Olympics. To host the
olympics a geographic location has to be recognized as a country and
Taiwan will not attain that status. Too bad it isn't otherwise, but
the world of politics is a tough place at times.

So what!

and it is China that is emerging as an economic shperpower
that dwarfs it's island neighbor.

Ha ha, dwarf? Your short a pint.

The ONLY way that Taiwan will
succeed in the long run is to remain a part of China, and it's leaders
have recognized this reality.

I can here the Communist Party "International" being sung uber alles.

And as I think about it for a moment,

Yes, at least one moment may help you.

Taiwan was in the post WWII era an independent country only because

U.S. needed a democratic (well, at least non-communist) ally in the
asian theater cold war.

Rewritting history according to the CCP. Your specialty. Unfortunately
people in the free countries have access to the true history about the
Communists in China during WW2. Which Communist Chinese University did

graduate from "John"?

It would help protect you from making further erroneous statements if
you read up on the history of Taiwan. It has a very short history as a
pseudo independent country. It has a much longer history as been one
of being occupied - indeed centuries. The only reason the U.S. called
Taiwan indepdent was to provide a buffer against the perceived
communist threat and to counter conserns over the domino theory.

Please name one moment in time when the Chinese Communist Party has ever set
foot on Taiwan. Just one!
There are no, none, nada, historical facts to prove that the current
Communist regime in Beijing has ANY claim upon Taiwan. In fact Taiwan has
never been claimed as a part of mainland China before 1949, never, in all of
history. In fact, since you are obviously ignorant of the facts, an ancient
emporer of China had refused to encompass Taiwan in its military defense
saying so much as Taiwan is not a part of China. Futhermore, if you beleive
that the U.S. would allow the Communist government in Beijing to simply walk
on water onto democratic Taiwan with its full blessings than you are
completely ignorant.

You seem to enjoy wasting my time with your ignorance. Perhaps a trip to
the Asian history department of your local University may be better to "fill
in your idle time".

Beginning with Kissinger in the 1970's the
U.S. has been backing away from that relationship.

No, your short more that a quart. I'm afraid your information is

biased, inaccurate, lopsided, dated and clearly Nationalistic. The

Communist China's PLA steps one toe on Taiwan is the day that the

Communist Party begins to burn on the ash heap of history. Believe it,

Like it or not the U.S. has since Kissinger/Nixon policies of the
1970's been opening the door for China and gradually shutting it on
Taiwan. You can continue to wish it otherwise, but the reality of the
world that Taiwan will have to exist in is quite different.