"DrDeath" wrote:
"Heywood Jablowme" wrote in message
On 2006-01-18 04:16:31 -0500, said:
I thought this was a CB forum?, how wrong i am, it's wasted by the
whingeing, keyclown grassers and "I'll report you to whatever national
blahblah" when was the last time anything interesting about a CB was
posted??? why i ever subscribed to this group is beyond me?
Dude, it's a CB newsgroup, you expected genuises???
I've never seen you post anything substantial.
Wanna see what that ****tard is all about? He's an aol multi-nym shifter
from Poughkeepsie NY that wants you to think he's dogie. He worships the
fugly felon, so he's another no-code like Leland.
One of his favorite nyms is 'fred garvin' and his broadband is posted from: