hey BB did steve do somethign specail toy uo laely?
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January 19th 06, 08:43 AM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Robeson's Rules
From: Dave Heil on Jan 18, 8:26 pm
Poseurs DO have that problem..."tripping the light fantastic"
all the time.
You have a point, Leonard.
One example would be your involvement in amateur radio.
Obviously NOT, judging by trotting out that old sway-backed
"involvement" nonsense. Amateurism is NOT a closed
I didn't write of "amateurism", Len. I wrote of amateur radio.
Amateur radio is most assuredly a closed community in that only those
who have passed licensing exams may participate. You have not done so
and you may not participate.
Your claim of decades of interest in amateur radio is itself nearly a
decade old. You still hold no amateur radio license of any class.
There are only the close-minded individuals in
amateur radio who imagine themselves gods of radio.
I don't know a single soul who imagines himself a god of radio. I know
that you've, at various times, imagined me to be a god of radio. On
other occasions, you've told me that I'm no radio god. You seemed to
have difficulty in making up your mind. Well, one thing is certain.
You're no radio amateur.
Listen UP, David.
Don't attempt at giving orders here, Leonard.
One does NOT have to be "involved" through federal licensing
to discuss either radio, licensing, or license testing for
amateur radio.
You have discussed (but mostly pontificated) here for many years.
You're no closer to obtaining an amateur radio license today than you
were when you began posting to r.r.a.p. Your viewpoint that of an
individual who has not participated, but rather as one who is an
onlooker, a bystander.
The FCC does NOT require any staffer or commissioner to
have been granted any amateur radio license in order to
MAKE amateur radio regulations OR regulated its use.
That'll be relevant when you are appointed to or hired by the Commission.
DISCUSSION of radio regulations is NOT the sole purview of
those already licensed...nor are those not licensed in the
amateur radio service "forbidden" to speak about it.
Who has forbidden you to speak? When you speak, you speak as one with
limited knowledge of the topic. You aren't the already licensed. You
aren't the soon to be licensed. You're as far along the licensing trail
as your ever likely to venture.
DROP your repeated nonsense of control-freakism about "who
can discuss what where" in regards to amateur radio.
Thanks for the advice. I'll do that about the time you stop your
pontificating and condescension. In other words, I won't have to worry
about it in this lifetime.
I've been VERY much "involved" with radio for just about
53 years now. Radio. Communications radio.
We all know about that. It isn't amateur radio. I didn't write
"radio". I wrote "amateur radio". You're on the outside and you've
never been on the inside. Amateur radio.
At the
professional level, not in some "clubhouse" idea of some
backyard amateurs sitting around thinking they were God's
Gift to the radio world because they have been granted a
federal license to be "hams."
There's the condescension. Radio amateurs are granted a federal license
to be hams. You haven't got one.
When the FCC issues a Memorandum Report and Order stating
that ONLY already-licensed radio amateurs are to talk with
them about federal regulations, then and ONLY THEN can you
have your "wish" of "involvement."
Talk with them 'til you're blue in the face. Add footnotes to your
lengthy submissions. Submitting comments to the FCC is not
participation in amateur radio. You're still a sidewalk superintendent.
Until then, I just say "Phhffftttttt" to your controlling
You're a very deep thinker, Leonard.
Dave K8MN
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