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Old January 19th 06, 12:05 PM posted to
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Default Lennie Demonstrates Why He's A Known Liar And Deceiver


Even more basic than that, though, is Dudly's FAILURE to produce
ONE item, documentary or from anyone else, of his vaunted
"active military service in the USMC."

Sorry, Lennie.

A LIE on your part.

I've produced NUMEROUS references to verifyable third-party
sources of my service.

All of which points to YOU lying about it.

That's why I can say "Leonard H Anderson is a know liar and
deceiver" in a public forum and not have to worry about getting sued.

Frank Gilliland has shown Dud to be a true poseur (fake,
impersonator) on the Marine jargon, units, etc., and I've
verified that with some former Marines that I know (at least
one of which agrees that Major Dud is a total fake). Dud
can't come up with a single document, snapshot, or anything
else after his claimed "18 year active duty time."

Frankie's done nothing except try to bark loud and hope no one
notices that he's just a shivvering little lap dog without the
resources to live up to his bark.

Frankie is himself a disgraced EX-Marine, one that couldn't even
make it through ONE tour of duty without getting into more trouble than
some Marines do in a whole career.

And that's why I can say Frank Gilliland is a liar and deceiver in
a public forum and not be concerned about law suits either. He'd never
be able to demonstrate otherwise.

As to "working in Marine avionics," Dud has NEVER mentioned a
single nomenclature or familiar name of ANY piece of avionics
equipment used on USMC helos or any other aircraft. That's
an unheard of thing with those who've been IN ACTUAL work on
those aircraft.


Unless you care to discuss the CONVERSION of those devices to
Amateur use, there's not a bit of need to do so.

I COULD run off at the mouth ala-Lennie with nomenclatures,
manfacturers, etc, but it means nothing.

That YOU think that such repetitive ramblings "prove" something is
false. It just shows you can quote well.

When Dudly tried to talk about crypto
equipment, he got that wrong and refused to acknowledge that
Hans had the correct names showing Dudly his duds in print.

Got WHAT wrong?

The best that Dud could do was try to name some "MARS radio
gear" (probably after his oh-so-important task as "assistant
NCOIC" of some MARS station).

"...of some MARS station".

Well, there you go with half-baked "quotes" and innuendo as if
you'd not been given the details before...Or as if all of the
information isn;t on my QRZ "Bio" under K4YZ...Again, all information
that can be verified and corroborated by the authorizing agencies.

But nice try, though!

Hardly have to try at all. You posted it.

And answered it.

Really? So why did you post "Raped an old friend?"

Dudly thinks rape is "cool?"

Nope. But certain members of the Feeble Five have expressed an
"interest" in forced sexual encounters...

Rape is a four-letter word and should be treated as such.

So is "liar", but you seem to wear it like the Congressional
Medal, Lennie.

But, that is par for Dudly's course as an extra class
radio amateur showing everyone the "good side" of amateur
radio. shrug

We could show YOUR "good side" of professional electronic
engineering, but hey, YOU have already done if for us!

Dudly just doesn't give a damn WHAT he writes, scribbles,
blabbers in here...just as long as he can vent his
frustrations of his everyday life on everyone else, cuss
them out, call them names, etc.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......Sure sounds like Lennie to me.

Sure has established a track record just like it!

Dudly is just incapable of accepting anything negative to
whatever he wrote. Anyone who does so gets called a "LIAR"
and worse. It is endemic. It has turned this forum into a
pandemic of personal invective trading, well away from any
"policy discussions."

You lead the way, Lennie!

And Lennie...

A person is not a liar unless they are NOT telling the truth.

YOU have been found NOT telling the truth on occassions far too
numerous to count.

Right now there are two Petitions up before the public at
the FCC (RM-11305 and RM-11306) on a reorganization of U.S.
amateur radio frequency allocations. Dudly hasn't been
able to post on those matters, yet at least 320+ others have
made their comments known on those matters at the FCC.

Lennie's not been paying attention.


The best that Dud can come up with is promotion of internecine
word warfare on the Industry Canada reallocation of THEIR
"220" MHz band (to following the U.S. allocations). NOT a
direct matter of policy for U.S. amateurs.

So what, Lennie?

Even those things that ARE a direct policy matter for US Amateurs
are NOT matters for YOU.

In short, Dudly is just a COWARD in not being able to present
ANY verification of his alleged military service with the
USMC, nor of ANY statement of familiarity with USMC avionics...(SNIP)

And Leonard H. Anderson has, once AGAIN, demonstrated that he is an
intentionally deceitful old putz who's weak minded, cowardly and
without any redeeming virtue.

(UNSNIP)...nor of being even a human being instead of a sociopathic
syndrome-symbol of what is WRONG with U.S. radio amateurs.

Lennie, you've demonstrated what IS wrong with you, and that's all
that matters.

Just HOW does Mrs Lennie sleep in all that stench...?!?!


Steve, K4YZ