Thread: Power supplies
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Old January 19th 06, 01:58 PM posted to
Jan Panteltje
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Default Power supplies

On a sunny day (Thu, 19 Jan 2006 02:12:09 -0500) it happened Scott in
Baltimore wrote in

Any suggestions for regulators that will handle a max 48 volt
VCC?. I have 3 transformers that output 35 VAC at a few amps.
I'd like to build some 13.8 VDC supplies. Seems 723's and 317's
are maxxed at 40 volts. I see 317HV's that are good to a VCC
of 60 volts. The large pass transistors from PC power supplies
are good for 10 amps and the smaller ones make good buffers.
Each stage drops .7 volts, so maybe I can go back to the old
zener diode/resistor regulator trick. A buffer and output would
give a final 13.6 volts.

I am using a AT computer power supply, this one can do 8A at +12 V.
Some of the newer ones can do 25 A @12V, but may be more difficult
to start.
There may be some hum or you would have to add some filter caps.
But switchmode is all that will be here in the future..

For output voltages and current look up (clikc) each individual one.